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Already operating smart

There are many options for traveling smart in Scotland. The vast majority of the public transport network is now covered by smartcards, m-ticket mobile apps or smart payments.

Scroll down to see which operators are operating smart and click to find out more. 

Scottish ITSO Smartcards

Scottish ITSO smartcards can now be used to store tickets for travel across multiple modes of transport and multiple transport operators. This means you can now travel on bus, rail and subway using just one ITSO smartcard, rather than needing separate smartcards or paper tickets for each operator.

Depending on the operator, tickets can be loaded onto your chosen ITSO smartcard at ticket offices, ticket vending machines, on board or in advance online and can be paid for with cash, card or contactless.

There are many ITSO smartcard options available to you. For more information, click on a Scottish ITSO smartcard below.

Or to find out which smartcard works best for you, complete our short Which Option? questionnaire.

Non-ITSO travel cards

Depending upon where you live in Scotland and your travel needs, a non-ITSO travel card may be the most suitable option to meet your travel needs

M-ticket apps

Transport operator M-ticket apps often offer the convenience of being able to plan your journey, purchase and store tickets, keep up to date with live travel information and more all in one place. However, they can only be used with that operator and cannot be used for travel on other modes or with other operators.